We did a jumping clinic in mid-March at Lost Springs Farm. (where I work) It was fantastic, I learned a whole TON of new stuff...and Jess got some great pictures =) So here ya go:
Here is my lovely Symphony (ok, not mine, but I'm her sole rider and she's almost like mine)

trot poles for rhythm and balance

isn't she a handsome mare?! =)

and we hadn't jumped much in the last several months but she was great

and gosh is she cute! (don't look at my form, but her's is great!)

she's got so much potential! But we're working on quality before height

fantastic jump! Woohoo!
and here are some of Allspice (Spice). I don't have many good ones of her, and she had just begun jumping a few months before. But she is now doing automatic flying lead changes and jumping closer and closer to 3', so I love working with her!

our big Appendix Quarter girl

she was a Western Pleasure horse and we've had
to work hard trying to pick up her front end

this is how NOT to jump

still learning to go to the part of the jump that I told her to!

working on taking off correctly as well

and a very beautiful jump as the finale!