Sunday, June 14, 2009

Since I'm official now and people want pictures...

Here are a few photos from my graduation. Yes, there will be more coming!
The Principal's Remarks (Daddy)

The Teacher's Remarks (Mom)

Big Brother's Remarks (Robert)

Awards (Monica)

Awards (Greg), there were more...

Graduate's Remarks (me :P )

Song by Rachel Robb, it was beautiful, btw

About to recieve diploma

Receiving Diploma



  1. Congratulations, Heather. :o) May God bless you as you move on to another chapter in life and as you continue to seek and do His will.

  2. Congratulations and best wishes for your future endeavours.


I'm glad you stopped by! Part of the fun for me in blogging is hearing from those who come to visit. If you want to comment or have additional thoughts I'd love to hear them. This is my rambling spot, so everything might not be clearly stated. Please keep it positive and Christ-honoring, but thought-provoking discussions are welcome! Quite honestly I'd be delighted if everybody who stopped by left a note.