Thursday, December 31, 2009
it's real...
I know it is. You might not, but I know people who do. Anyone who has never completely lost his childhood knows what I mean. It’s the world that exists that doesn’t exist. It’s really there even though it isn’t. It’s your world. A place that you know perfectly and yet other people say is not possible. What if it is? I believe it is. This is it.
You can see it, you can smell it, you can feel it, and yet it only few can ever speak of it. If it is voiced it always seems that the spell is broken. There are instances where it can be mentioned and those who are not there can see a glimpse of the world. But it’s a world that can hardly be spoken of, for if you speak it becomes hollow, empty, and ruined. It’s a world that can be written and dreamed of, and entered any time you wish… if… But there’s no door, and only those who have a key can enter. Those who have it know they do. The key can’t be described. You cannot be told what it is, and it can’t be given to you. But for those few who have it, this world is always open, always it’s there. It’s ever in existence, though at times it seems farther or closer. More real or less real, but never gone.
One day we discovered a land inside the world of insanity, this land is inhabited by the Muchlys. The Muchlys are divided into two classes. Pretty Muchlys and ugly Muchlys.
Some interesting facts discovered about the Muchlys are:
Their favorite vegetable is okies.
The expression ‘Oh Vista!’ is used when they are irritated.
‘kk’ and ‘prolly’ are their two most common words in speech. And ‘yup’ is their single affirmative word.
One comical habit of the Muchlys is putting signs on their doors such as ‘here’, ‘away’, or ‘be right back’. The funny thing is that even when they put ‘away’ and ‘be right back’ signs on their doors, you can almost always knock and find them still at home… and happy to talk with you.
The only foreign word that the Muchlys know is ja. Due to the fact that ja is the only foreign with which they are familiar it takes on multiple spellings such as ja, jah or ya.
Another peculiar habit of the Muchlys is that after they make a declaration of going to bed it is anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours before they actually head that direction.
‘Ornot’ is the term the Muchlys’ use when they have said something, but disagree and agree with it at the same time.
Two other interesting traits of the Muchlys are the first being that they stick their tongues out at people all the time, though this action is used as a gag or joke with no negative connotations, and the other being that whenever they find something funny they almost always laugh aloud.
When they find something disagreeable or not to their liking they say ‘hahaha’ or ‘oh....’ in the driest manner you have ever heard.
A very common sight to see among the Muchlys is when they all of a sudden roll around on the floor and laugh so hard that they start crying. The curious thing about these incidents is that the Muchlys are in such a state for no more than two seconds and then they return to their former composed conversation.
Another fascinating talent of the Muchlys is the ability to carry on multiple, coherent, and deep conversations at the same time and everyone with whom they are conversing can understand them.
But the most distinctive factor of the Muchlys’ culture is their famous word… ISH. Ish might mean anything from ‘sort of’ to ‘that’s right’ to ‘maybe’ to ‘I’m not sure, but I’ll say it anyway’. Though no one remembers the exact date, ish was declared a word in the land of Muchlys when they decided that they were tired of it being simply a suffix.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Ray of Hope Again....
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Approved to God
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15
If you cannot express yourself well on each of your beliefs, work and study until you can. If you don’t, other people may miss out on the blessings that come from knowing the truth. Try to re-express a truth of God to yourself clearly and understandably, and God will use that same explanation when you share it with someone else. But you must be willing to go through God’s winepress where the grapes are crushed. You must struggle, experiment, and rehearse your words to express God’s truth clearly. Then the time will come when that very expression will become God’s wine of strength to someone else. But if you are not diligent and say, “I’m not going to study, and struggle to express this truth in my own words; I’ll just borrow my words from someone else,” then the words will be of little or no value to you or to others. Try to state to yourself what you believe to be the absolute truth of God, and you will be allowing God the opportunity to pass it on through you to someone else. Always make it a practice to stir your own mind thoroughly to think through what you have easily believed. Your position is not really yours until you make it yours through suffering and study. The author or speaker from whom you learn the most is not the one who teaches you something you didn’t know before, but the one who helps you take a truth with which you have quietly struggled, give it expression, and speak it clearly and boldly.
(from My Utmost for His Highest)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Children's Story... part VIII
"Then we don't say prayers? We're not supposed to say prayers?"
The puzzled children watched her.
"You can if you want to, children. If your daddies and mommies want you to. But we know, you and I that it means nothing. That's our secret."
"My dad says it's wrong to have secrets from him."
"But he has secrets that he shares with your mommy and not with you, doesn't he?"
All the children nodded.
"Then it's not wrong for us to have a few secrets from them. Is it?"
"I like having secrets. Hilda and me have lots of secrets." Mary said.
The New Teacher said, "We're going -to have lots of wonderful secrets together. You can eat your candy if you want to. And because Johnny was especially clever, I think we should make him monitor for the whole week, don't you?"
They all nodded happily and popped the candy into their mouths and chewed gloriously. Johnny was very proud as he chewed his candy, he decided that he liked his teacher very much. Because she told the truth. Because she was right about fear. Because she was right about God. He'd prayed many times for many things and never got them, and even the one time he did get the skates, he knew his dad had heard him and had put them under his bed for his birthday and pretended he hadn't heard him. I ALWAYS WONDERED WHY HE DIDN'T LISTEN, AND ALL THE TIME HE WASN'T THERE, he thought.
Johnny sat back contentedly, resolved to work hard and listen and not to have wrong thoughts like Dad.
The teacher waited for them to finish their candy. This was what she had been trained for, and she knew that she would teach her children well and that they would grow up to be good citizens. She looked out of the window, at the sun over the land. It was a good land, and vast. A land to breathe in. But she was warmed not by the sun but by the thought that throughout the school and throughout the land all children, all men and all women were being taught with the same faith, with variations of the same procedures. Each according to his age group. Each according to his need.
She glanced at her watch....
It was 9:23.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Children's Story... part VII
The new Teacher smiled at her. "Of course. Perhaps we should say a prayer now. In some schools that's a custom too." She thought a moment and the faces watched her. Then she said, "let's pray. But let's pray for something very good. What should we pray for?"
"Bless Momma and Daddy." Danny said immediately.
"That's a good idea, Danny. I have one. Let's pray for candy. That's a good idea, isn't it?"
They all nodded happily.
So, following their New Teacher, they all closed their eyes and steepled their hands together, and they prayed with her for candy.
The New Teacher opened her eyes and looked around disappointedly. "but where's our candy. God is all-seeing and everywhere, and if we pray, He answers our prayers. Isn't that true.?"
"I prayed for a puppy of my own lots of times, but I never got one," Danny said.
"Maybe we didn't pray hard enough. Perhaps we should kneel down like it' s done in church.
So the new Teacher knelt and all the children knelt and they prayed very, very hard. But there was still no candy.
Because the New Teacher was disappointed, the children were very disappointed. Then she said, "perhaps we're using the wrong name." She thought a moment and then said, "instead of saying 'God,' let's say 'Our Leader.' Let's pray to Our Leader for candy. Let's pray very hard and don't open your eyes till I say."
So the children shut their eyes tightly and prayed very hard, and as they prayed, the New Teacher took out some candy from her pocket and quietly put a piece on each child's desk. She did not notice Johnny -- alone of all the children -- watching her through his half-closed eyes.
She went softly back to her desk and the prayer ended, and the children opened their eyes and they stared at the candy and they were overjoyed.
"I'm going to pray to Our Leader every time," Mary said excitedly.
"Me too," Hilda said. "Could we eat Our Leader's candy now, teacher?"
"Oh, let's, please, please, please."
"So Our Leader answered your prayers, didn't he?"
"I saw you put the candy on our desks!" Johnny burst out. "I SAW YOU... I didn't close my eyes, and I saw you. You had 'em in your pocket. We didn't get them with praying. YOU put them there."
All the children, appalled, stared at him and then at their New Teacher. She stood at the front of the class and looked back at Johnny and then at all of them.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Maid to My Mind...
I'm a youth in my mind and if people say true
Have virtue sufficient good manners my due
Content in my station, such graces combined
Might sure render happy, the maid to my mind
If my choice should be granted, I freely confess
I ne'er could like one who's a slave to her dress
Though pleasing her beauty, her whit unrefined
Would prevent her from being the maid to my mind
Nor she that doth practice the patch and the paint
Whose heart is deceit though she looks like a saint
If ever so rich, since to nature unkind
I never would choose her for the maid to my mind
Above all the fair sex my contempt would set
On her who is surely a finished coquette
For as pride and conceit keep fair virtue confined
She could never please me as the maid to my mind
Then to banter no longer, but to end your suspense
I like one of prudence, good nature and sense
And coy to a fop to sincerity kind
In peace then I'd live with the maid to my mind
Her age and the size in her person should be
In neither superior, but equal to me
Her dress not to rich, yet to neatness inclined
Then this and no others the maid to my mind
Her shape should be handsome and graceful her air
So charming her features both lovely and fair
With these a fair portion by fortune entwined
Would make her completely the maid to my mind
Sound heaven but attend to my prayer and request
To make her my wife I should be so blessed
That the world might see hence that I never once repined
At choosing for life the fair maid to my mind
The Children's Story... part VI
"He's going to a school. Some grown-ups have to go to school as well as children."
"But they took him away and he didn't want to go." Johnny felt the tears close and he fought them back.
The New Teacher touched him gently, and he smelled the youth and cleanness of her, and it was not the smell of home which was sour and just a little dirty. “He's no different from all of you. YOU sometimes don't want to go to school. With grown-ups it's the same - just the same as children. Would you like to visit him? He has a holiday in a few days."
"Momma said that Dad's gone away forever!" Johnny stared at her incredulously. "He has a holiday?"
The New Teacher laughed. "She's wrong, Johnny. After all, everyone who goes to school has holidays. That's fair, isn't it?"
The children shifted and rustled and watched. And Johnny said, "I can see him?"
"Of course. Your daddy just has to go back to school a little. He had some strange thoughts, and he wanted other grown-ups to believe them. It's not right to want others to believe wrong thoughts, is it?"
"Well, no, I suppose not. But my dad never thought nothing bad."
"Of course, Johnny. I said WRONG thoughts -- not BAD thoughts. There's nothing wrong with that. But it's right to show grown-ups right thoughts when they're wrong, isn't it?"
"Well, yes," Johnny said. "But what wrong thoughts did he have?"
"Just some grown-up thoughts that are old-fashioned. We're going to learn all about them in class. Then we can share knowledge, and I can learn from you as you will learn from me. Shall we?"
"All right." Johnny stared at her, perplexed. "My dad couldn't have wrong thoughts. He just couldn't.... Could he?"
"Well, perhaps sometime when you wanted to talk about something very important to your dad, perhaps he said, 'Not now, Johnny, I'm busy,' or, 'We'll talk about that tomorrow.' That's a bad thought -- not to give you time when it's important. Isn't it?"
"Sure. but that's what all grown-ups do."
"My momma says that all the time," Mary said.
And the other children nodded, and they wondered if all their parents should go back to school and unlearn bad thoughts.
"Sit down, Johnny, and we'll start learning good things and not worry about grown-up bad thoughts. Oh, yes," she said when she sat down at her seat again, brimming with happiness, "I have a lovely surprise for you. You're all going to stay overnight with us. We have a lovely room with beds and lots of food, and we'll all tell stories and have such a lovely time."
"Oh, good," the children said.
"Can I stay up till eight o'clock?" Mary asked breathlessly.
"Well, as it's our first new day, we'll all stay up to eight-thirty. But only if you promise to go right to sleep afterward."
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Children's Story... part V
When they were all back in their seats the new Teacher said, "Well, before we start our lessons, perhaps there are some questions you want me to answer. Ask me anything you like. That's only fair, isn't it, if I ask you questions?"
Mary said, after a silence, "We never got to ask our real teacher ANY questions."
"You can always ask me anything. That's 8 the fair way. The new way. Try me."
"What's your name?" Danny asked.
She told them her name, and it sounded pretty.
Mary put up her hand. "Why do you wear those clothes? Well, it's like a sort of uniform nurses wear."
"We think that teachers should be dressed the same. Then you always know a teacher. It's nice and light and easy to iron. Do you like the color?"
"Oh, yes," Mary said. "You've got green eyes too.
"If you like, children, as a very special surprise, you can all have this sort of uniform. Then you won't have to worry about what you have to wear to school every day. And you'll all be the same."
The children twisted excitedly in their seats. Mary said, "But it'll cost a lot, and my momma won't want to spend the money 'cause we have to buy food and food is expen-- Well, it sort of costs a lot of money."
"They will be given to you. As a present. There's no need to worry about money."
Johnny said, "I don't want to be dressed like that."
"You don't have to accept a present, Johnny. Just because the other children want to wear new clothes, you don't have to," the new Teacher said.
Then Mary asked, "Why was our teacher crying?"
"I suppose she was just tired and needed a rest. She's going to have a long rest." She smiled at them. "We think teachers should be young. I'm nineteen."
"Is the war over now?" Danny asked.
"Yes, Danny, isn't that wonderful! Now all your daddies will be home soon."
"Did we win or did we lose?" Mary asked.
"We - that's you and I and all of us - WE won."
The children sat back happily.
Then Johnny's hatred burst. "Where's my dad? What've you done to my dad? Where's my dad?"
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Children's Story... part IV
"What did your other teacher tell you that it meant?"
After a long silence Danny put up his hand. "She never said nothing, miss."
One of my teachers at the other school I went to before this one," Joan said in a rush, "well, she sort of said what it all meant, at least she said some thing about it just before recess one day and then the bell went and afterwards we had spellin'."
Danny said, "Miss Worden - well, she never told us. We just hadta learn it and then say it, that's all. Our real teacher didn't say anything at all."
All the children nodded. Then they waited again.
"Your teacher never explained to you?" All the children shook their heads.
"I don't think that was very good. Not to explain. You can always ask me anything. That's what a real teacher should do." Then the New Teacher said, "But didn't you ask your daddies and mommies?"
"Not about 'I pledge.' We just hadta learn it," Mary said. "Once I could say it, Daddy gave me a nickel for saying it good."
"That's right," Danny said. "So long as you could say it all, it was very good. But I never got no nickel."
"Did you ask each other what it meant?"
"I askt Danny once and he didn't know and none of us knowed really. It's grown-up talk, and grown-ups talk that sort of words. We just havta learn it."
"The other schools I went to," Hilda said, "they never said anything about it. They just wanted us to learn it. They didn't ask us what it meant. We just hadta say it every day before we started school."
"It took me weeks and weeks and weeks to say it right," Mary said.
So the New Teacher explained what allegiance meant. " you are promising or pledging support to the flag and saying that it is much more important than YOU are. How can a flag be more important than a real live person?"
Johnny broke the silence. "But the next thing is - well, where it says 'and to the republic for which it stands.' That means it's like a, like a..." He searched for the word and could not find it. "Like well, sort of a sign, isn't it?"
"Yes. The real word is a SYMBOL." The New Teacher frowned. "But we don't need a sign to remind us that we love our country, do we? You're all good boys and girls. Do you need a sign to remind you?"
"What's REMIND mean?" Mary asked.
"It means to make you remember. To make you remember that you're all good boys and girls."
The children thought about this and shook their heads.
Johnny put up his hand. "It's our flag," he said fiercely. "We always pledge."
"Yes," the New Teacher said. "It is a very pretty one. She looked at it a moment and then said, "I wish I could have a piece of it. If it's so important, I think we should all have a piece of it. Don't you?"
"I've a little one at home," Mary said. "I could bring it tomorrow."
"Thank you, Mary dear, but I just wanted a little piece of this one because it's our own special classroom one."
Then Danny said, "If we had some scissors we could cut a little piece off."
"I've some scissors at home, Mary said.
"There's some in Miss Worden's desk," Brian said.
The New Teacher found the scissors and then they had to decide who would be allowed to cut a little piece off, and the New Teacher said that because today was Mary's birthday (HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?) Mary asked herself, awed) Mary should be allowed to cut the piece off. And then they decided it would be very nice if they all had a piece. The flag is special, they thought, so if you have a piece, that's better than having just to look at it, 'cause you can keep it in your pocket.
So the flag was cut up by the children and they were very proud that they each had a piece. But now the flagpole was bare and strange.
And useless.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Day I Achieved Status of ..............................Driver
I went and took the test, which I don't think is good enough, and passed! Then I went to the license bureau, and come to find out since I'm only so many weeks from turning 18 I went straight from my permit to the Under 21 Full Driver License, and skipped the Intermediate License completely!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Children's Story... part III
The children, wide-eyed, shifted in their seats. Miss Worden never did this, and often she called a child by another's name. THE NEW TEACHER'LL NEVER KNOW ALL OUR NAMES! NEVER! they thought. So they waited excitedly while the New Teacher turned her attention to Sandra. Oh, yes, somehow she already knew Sandra's name, but how could she possibly know everyone's? They waited, glad that they were going to catch out the New Teacher.
But they were not to catch her out. The New Teacher remembered every name.
Johnny put up his hand. "How'd you know our names? I mean, well, we haven't had a roll call or anything, so how'd you know our names?"
"That's easy, Johnny," the New Teacher said. "You all sit in the same places every day. Each desk has one pupil. So I learned your names from a list. I had to work for three whole days to remember your names. A teacher must work very hard to be a good teacher, and so I worked for three days so that I could know each of you the first day. That's very important, don't you think, for a teacher to work hard?"
Johnny frowned and half-nodded and sat down and wondered why he hadn't figured that out for himself before asking, astonished that she had worked three days just to know everyone the first day. But still he hated her.
"Johnny. Would you tell me something, please? How do you start school? I mean what do you do to begin with?"
Johnny stood reluctantly. "We first pledge allegiance and then we sing the song -"
"Yes, but that's all after roll call," Sandra said, "You forgot roll call.
"Yes, You forgot roll call, Johnny," Mary said.
"First we have roll call," Johnny said. Then he sat down.
The New Teacher smiled. "All right. but we really don't need roll call. I know all your names and I know everyone's here. It's very lazy for a teacher not to know who's here and who isn't, don't you think? After all, a teacher should KNOW. So we don't need roll call while I'm your teacher. So we should pledge, isn't that next?"
Obediently all the children got up and put their hands on their hearts and the New Teacher did the same, and they began in unison, 'I pledge allegiance to the flag of -"
"Just a moment," the New Teacher said. "What does PLEDGE mean?"
The children stood openmouthed; Miss Worden had never interrupted them before. They stood and stared at the New Teacher. Wordless. And silent.
"What does ALLEGIANCE mean?" The New Teacher asked, her hand over her heart.
The children stood in silence. Then Mary put up her hand. "Well, PLEDGE is, ah, well, something like - sort of when you want to do something very good. You sort of pledge you're going to do something like not suck your thumb 'cause that makes your teeth bend and you'll have to wear a brace and go to the dentist, which hurts."
"That's very good, Mary. Very, very good. To pledge means to promise. And ALLEGIANCE?"
Mary shrugged helplessly and looked at her best friend, Hilda, who looked back at her and then at the teacher and shrugged helplessly too.
The New Teacher waited, and the silence hung in the room, hurting. then she said, "I think it's quite wrong for you to have to say something with long words in it if you don't understand what you're saying."
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Children's Story... part II
"Good morning, children, I'm your new teacher," the New Teacher said. Then she closed the door softly and walked to the teacher's desk, and the children in the front row felt and smelled the perfume of her - clean and fresh and young - and as she passed Sandra who sat at the end of the first row she said, "Good morning, Sandra," and Sandra flushed deeply and wondered, aghast, with all the other children, HOW DID SHE KNOW MY NAME? and her heart raced in her chest and made it feel tight and very heavy.
The teacher got up shakily. "I, er, I - good morning." Her words were faltering. She, too, was trying to get over the shock. And nausea.
"Hello, Miss Worden," the New Teacher said. "I'm taking over your class now. You are to go to the principal's office."
"Why? What's going to happen to me? What's going to happen to my children?" The words gushed from Miss Worden, and a lank piece of hair fell into her eyes. The children were agonized by the cut to her voice, and one or two of them felt the edge of tears.
"He just wants to talk to you, Miss Worden," the New Teacher said gently. "You really must take better care of yourself. You shouldn't be so upset."
Miss Worden saw the New Teacher's smile but she wasn't touched by its compassion. She tried to stop her knees from shaking. "Good-bye, children," she said. The Children made no reply. they were too terrified by the sound of her voice and the tears that wet her face. And because she was crying, some of the children cried, and Sandra fled to her.
The New Teacher shut the door behind Miss Worden and turned back into the room, cradling Sandra in her arms. "Children, children, there's no need to cry!" she said. "I know, I'll sing you a song! Listen!"
And she sat down on the floor as gracefully as an angel, Sandra in her arms, and she began to sing and the children stopped crying because Miss Worden never, never sang to them and certainly never sat on the floor, which is the best place to sit, as everyone in the class knew. They listened spellbound to the happy lilt of the New Teacher's voice and to the strange words of a strange tongue which soared and dipped like the sea of grass that was the birthplace of the song. It was a child's song, and it soothed them, and after she had sung the first chorus the New Teacher told them the story of the song.
It was about two children who had lost their way and were all alone in the great grass prairies and were afraid, but they met a fine man riding a fine horse and the man told them that there was never a need to be afraid, for all they had to do was the watch the stars and the stars would tell them where their home was.
"For once you know the right direction, then there's never a need to be afraid. Fear is something that comes from inside, from inside your tummies," the New Teacher said radiantly, "and good strong children like you have to put food in your tummies. Not fear."
The children thought about this and it seemed very sensible. The New Teacher sang the song again, and soon all the children were happy and calm once more. Except Johnny. He hated her even though he knew she was right about fear.
made 30 on the 30th!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Children's Story... part I
The Children's Story by James Clavell
The teacher was afraid.
And the children were afraid. All except Johnny. He watched the classroom door with hate. He felt the hatred deep within his stomach. It gave him strength.
It was two minutes to nine.
The teacher glanced numbly from the door and stared at the flag which stood in a corner of the room. But she couldn't see the flag today. She was blinded by her terror, not only for herself but mostly for them, her children. She had never had children of her own. She had never married.
In the mists of her mind she saw the rows upon rows of children she had taught through her years. Their faces were legion. But she could distinguish no one particular face. Only the same face which varied but slightly. Always the same age or thereabouts. Seven. Perhaps a boy, perhaps a girl. And the face always open and ready for the knowledge that she was to give. The same face staring at her, open, waiting and full of trust.
The children rustled, watching her, wondering what possessed her. They saw not the gray hair and the old eyes and the lined face and the well-worn clothes. They saw only their teacher and the twisting of her hands. Johnny looked away from the door and watched with the other children. He did not understand anything except that the teacher was afraid, and because she was afraid she was making them all worse and he wanted to shout that there was no need to fear. "Just because THEY'VE conquered us there's no need for panic fear," Dad had said. "Don't be afraid, Johnny. If you fear too much, you'll be dead even though you're alive."
The sound of footsteps approached and then stopped. The door opened.The children gasped. They had expected an ogre or giant or beast or witch or monster - like the outer-space monsters you think about when the lights are out and Mommy and Daddy have kissed you good night and you're frightened and you put your head under the cover and all at once you're awake and it's time for school. But instead of a monster, a beautiful young girl stood in the doorway. Her clothes were neat and clean, all olive green - even her shoes. But most important, she wore a lovely smile, and when she spoke, she spoke without the trace of an accent. The children found this very strange, for THEY were foreigners from a strange country far across the sea. They had all been told about THEM.
12 Days of Homeschooling...+2!
On the first day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "Can you homeschool legally?"
On the second day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "Are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"
On the third day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "Do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"
On the fourth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "What about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"
On the fifth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "YOU ARE SO STRANGE, what about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"
On the sixth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "How long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE, what about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"
On the seventh day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "Look at what they're missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE, what about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"
On the eighth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "Why do you do this, look at what they're missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE, what about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"
On the ninth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "They'll miss the prom, why do you do this, look at what they're missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE, what about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"
On the tenth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "What about graduation, they'll miss the prom, why do you do this, look at what they're missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE, what about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"
On the eleventh day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "I could never do that, what about graduation, they'll miss the prom, why do you do this, look at what they're missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE, what about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"
On the twelfth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "Can they go to college, I could never do that, what about graduation, they'll miss the prom, why do you do this, look at what they're missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE, what about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?"
And two extra!
On the thirteenth day of homeschool I thoughtfully replied: "They can go to college, yes you can do this, they can have graduation, we don't like the prom, we do it `cuz we like it, they are missing nothing, we'll homeschool forever, WE ARE NOT STRANGE!, we give them P.E., and we give them tests, they are socialized, AND WE HOMESCHOOL LEGALLY!
On the fourteenth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "How can I get started, why didn't you tell me, where do I buy curriculum, when is the next conference, WILL PEOPLE THINK WE'RE STRANGE?, I think we can do this, if you will help us, we will join a sports team and we'll homeschool legally."
Thoughts for homemaking...
1. Do you have a morning routine in the house?
2. Are your dishes washed and put away?
3. Is your cabinet top clear?
4. Is your table clear, when not dining, and do you have a centerpiece?
5. Have you cleaned your cupboards and storage areas and fridge in the last 3 months?
6. Is your porch clean and the entry way cheerful for visitors or people who see it from the road?
7. Are your carpets clean?
8. Is your floor clean?
9. Is your living room ready for company?
10. Is your laundry washed, folded, ironed and put away? (Keep in mind, I am not saying you have to do this. I am only listing it in case you think you have time to bring in another income!)
11. Is your mending and button replacement caught up?
12. Do you bake bread? (Once again, no one HAS to do it, but if a woman is bored, maybe she should bake her bread. It takes more time. It smells wonderful. It has far greater effects than can be listed here, both emotionally and physically or even involving childhood memory)
13. Is your bathroom shining clean and does it smell nice?
14. Does your house smell nice?
15. Have you re-decorated or re-arranged in the last 3 years? (You need not do it, but if you think you need to go to work or take on extra work earning money at home, why not put the time into re-beautifying your house?)
16. Are your beds made? Are your sheets and bedding fresh?
17. Do you hang your clothes on the line? (You needn’t, but it takes more time, and is good for your health and it actually increases the life of your sheets and clothes, as opposed to the dryer)
18. Do you grow a garden, or even a tomato in a pot?
19. Are your drawers and storage areas organized?
20. Are your photos organized?
21. Are your computer files organized?
22. Is your correspondence caught up?
23. Do you make any of your own clothes?
24. Does your husband/father ever have to ask for an ironed shirt?
25. Are your books organized?
26. Do you go through your things regularly for garage sales?
27. Are your windows clean?
28. Do you cook regular meals from basic ingredients?
29. Have you had anyone over for tea in the last month?
30. Do you read at least one good book or learn something new within the year?
Dying to Self...
To all who may be going through trials at this time. Our prayers are answered by God in His timing; Rejoice, because they have been answered! "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” ~Phil.2:3-4; 4:4-7
Dethrone the King: Dying to Self
When you are forgotten or neglected or purposely set at naught, and don't sting or hurt with the insult or oversight, but your heart is happy; being counted worthy to suffer for Christ-that is dying to self.
When your good is spoken evil of, when your wishes are crossed, your advice disregarded or opinion ridiculed, you refuse to let anger rise in your heart or even to defend yourself but take it all in patient, loving silence- that is dying to self.
When you lovingly, patiently bear any disorder and irregularity, any unpunctuality or any annoyance; when you come face to face with waste, folly, extravagance, spiritual insensitivity, and endure it just as Jesus endured it-that is dying to self.
When you're content with any food, any offering, any raiment, any climate, any society, any solitude, any interruption by the will of God- that is dying to self.
When you never refer to yourself in conversation, or record your own good works, or itch after commendation, when you can truly love to go unknown- that is dying to self.
When you can see your brother or sister have his or her needs met and can honestly rejoice in spirit and can feel no envy nor question God, while your own needs are far greater and in more desperate circumstances- that is dying to self.
When you can receive correction and reproof from one of less stature than yourself and can humbly submit inwardly as well as outwardly, finding no rebellion or resentment rising up within your heart- that is dying to self.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Funny poetry due to indecision on what to write!
I saw a chef on television
Make a dish called Wiener Schnitzel
And what he had to tell us
Was a time consuming ritual
Most of the work he’d done before
He ever got on the air
For he pulled out a tray of pork loins
So thin they would almost tear
He told us they come one inch thick
And he’d pounded them down to a quarter
We never got to see him clobber
The loins to make them shorter
I went out and bought the boneless chops
And yes they were one inch thick
By the time I pounded one of them
The violence made me sick
It also took me seven minutes
To make it a quarter inch
And I had five more loins to pound
I was really in a pinch
I put the loins in zip lock bags
I didn’t have to go very far
For I lay them down in the drive-way
And backed over them with the car
To my delight, the meat smashed down
In the time it takes to sneeze
And from that day on I’ve used my car
As a prep-chef if you please
For in a craze of creativity
I thought of other foods
My sturdy Michelin tires
Could turn into processed goods
Graham crackers smash up nicely
Into crumbs for chocolate pies
Nuts can be chopped when needed
And tough meats can be tenderized
The bottom line is simple
And I’ve taken it to heart
God bless my little SUV
It’s replaced my Cusinart
(no, I did not write this one, sorry!)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Worldviews...the difference...
Your talents, imagination, and hard work
are really something to admire... You've
put your gifts to good use and given yourself
and those who love you many reasons
to be proud. Someone so capable and
generous deserves to feel the warm glow
of success that the future is sure to bring.
[I don't deserve anything on my own, honestly. By myself
nothing I have done deserves success.]
"If" for Graduates
If you can value
all the simple joys in each new day,
If you can see the gift
in everything life brings your way,
If you can find your strength
and all your answers deep within,
If you can trust yourself enough
to let your dreams begin,
If you can learn and grow
from every challenge that you face,
If you can know each moment
is the perfect time and place...
If you can recognize yourself
in others' hopes and fears,
If you can feel compassion for your own and others' tears,
If you believe that you can help
to shape the world you see,
If you can sense that you create
your own reality,
If you can comfort someone else
and be a caring friend,
If you can be a person
on who others can depend...
If you can live life fully
and enjoy it heart and soul,
If you can just accept
the twists and turns you can't control,
If you can show integrity
in every choice you make--
Then your journey will be filled with joy,
whichever paths you take.
Whatever your choices, whatever you do,
Hope the years bring success and adventure to you!
[Find answers within me, create my own reality...that
is sadly an autonomous worldview]
Knowledge is the power that gives us wings to soar...
You've learned a lot
and achieved so much...worked hard
and maintained your focus...met challenges
with character and a strong will.
That's how success is won.
[if God is in the picture and the Source of everything]
Success always means
more when it happens
to someone who
has truly earned it...
You should feel so proud.
You set yourself a goal,
and you overcame all obstacles
until you achieved it.
Heather, congratulations on your graduation.
Go to the best college you can afford and study
something that you enjoy and will bring you
fulfillment in your life. Good luck!
[Me? How have I earned success...I have failed
in so many ways and if it wasn't for Christ I would
have no reason to hope life would be any different
I ought not search for something in life, but rather
the Lord as my fulfillment and hope!]
And then comes there were those which came with a totally different focus in the message.
Graduation is a wonderful time
to reflect on the many blessings
that God has given you.
You're a very special person...
and as surely as God has blessed your past,
may He also bless your future.
[God has indeed blessed me! Beyond what I deserve]
Follow in God's footsteps
in your Journey through life...
Believe in God and yourself
and you will achieve...
Your passion, hopes
and deepest dreams
May the Lord bless you as you continue to lean on Him!
[it is so refreshing, encouraging to receive notes
like this, knowing people are challenging me
where it really counts]
Wishing you a future filled with limitless opportunities.
May our Heavenly Father guide
and keep you as you begin the next chapter of your life.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. ~Helen Keller
Live inspired
Congratulations, Heather! To God be the glory for the work you've accomplished thus far! May He lead and guide you always.
[amen, how exciting to realize the work the
Lord has done through such a flawed being
as myself and used it to His glory!]
Just continue to be the Christian that you are and the Lord will see to ALL your needs.
[He doesn't promises answers to desires,
wishes, dreams...but He does to needs...]
God created you...
every little detail about you.
He knows you better
and loves you more
than anyone ever could.
He is your wise Father
and faithful friend,
who takes great joy in you.
Celebrating you today
and hoping you remember
that God celebrates you every day!
[what joy it gives me to know that my
Lord, Sovereign and Creator REJOICES
in me!!!]
Trust in the Lord with
with all thine Heart...
in all thy ways
Acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct
thy Paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
God bless you
on your special day.
May He be your STRENGTH
and guiding LIGHT
as you venture
into the future,
and may He keep you
in His LOVE and CARE
[How different indeed were the notes on these cards...some nice, but saddening (though I'm sure the desire when they were chosen was for encouragement) and then those that really uplift, challenge, encourage, and excite me...those that place the glory and praise where they are due and remind me of the attributes of my Father, how glorious He is and that He sees every detail of my life! There is indeed a difference between those who see God as their source and life and those who have no true source and challenging that should be.]