Monday, April 13, 2009

The farm...fog...and my world...

Last spring I guess it was, I went outside early one morning and took some pictures. This poem came to me as I was taking the pictures, so I wrote it down. I always wanted to post it on a blog, but I didn't have I do! This is our farm, where we called home for almost ten years, but sold last summer. My heart still stays there though, I loved it, and I don't think anyone of us will really let it go as home. This is a piece of what I felt there...

When I see a soft white fog

A feeling comes over me
As if everything holds a secret
or some hidden mystery
All thing's soft and hushed
As if in fear of breaking the quiet
And gentle Peace here reigns
Keeping out scuffle and riot
Beaded with bright drops of crystal
The spiderwebs hang like silver strands
So delicate, fine, and simply wrought
They seem to be made by fairy hands
A morning fog takes me to dreamland
With the dew of a wet, wild world
That lies yet still and quiet
It's colors not yet unfurled

Yes, all the colors are muted
As well as most of nature's sounds
But that's how the peace and harmony
Of God's creation resounds
Those days are special to me
When after sleeping like a log
I step outside of a doorway
And see a soft white fog.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love how you intertwined that poem and the photos. Wonderfully portrayed what must have been a lovely, peaceful morning. I can almost feel the foggy morning air :)


I'm glad you stopped by! Part of the fun for me in blogging is hearing from those who come to visit. If you want to comment or have additional thoughts I'd love to hear them. This is my rambling spot, so everything might not be clearly stated. Please keep it positive and Christ-honoring, but thought-provoking discussions are welcome! Quite honestly I'd be delighted if everybody who stopped by left a note.