Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thoughts for homemaking...

I don't remember where I found these questions, but I thought they were good. They could be very helpful as a general list for things a homemaker can do when she feels like she's bored or pointless at the moment, and would help her to develop her home into a more special and lovely place. Not only that, but those of us who are done with high school and not yet in homes of our own can take it to heart and apply it to where we are. Who says we can't beautify our homes, bedrooms, etc.? Who says Mother has to do all the little extra things around the house, why can't we? Can't we do things to encourage Daddy when he comes home and bless Mother because she doesn't have enough time in her day? Some of these are simply everyday or weekly tasks that need to be done, but others are just as necessary yet they never seem to be something we get around to. I am challenging all of us young women/homemakers...take these questions and apply what you can to your life and home. Let's see if it isn't helpful and encouraging!

1. Do you have a morning routine in the house?
2. Are your dishes washed and put away?
3. Is your cabinet top clear?
4. Is your table clear, when not dining, and do you have a centerpiece?
5. Have you cleaned your cupboards and storage areas and fridge in the last 3 months?
6. Is your porch clean and the entry way cheerful for visitors or people who see it from the road?
7. Are your carpets clean?
8. Is your floor clean?
9. Is your living room ready for company?
10. Is your laundry washed, folded, ironed and put away? (Keep in mind, I am not saying you have to do this. I am only listing it in case you think you have time to bring in another income!)
11. Is your mending and button replacement caught up?
12. Do you bake bread? (Once again, no one HAS to do it, but if a woman is bored, maybe she should bake her bread. It takes more time. It smells wonderful. It has far greater effects than can be listed here, both emotionally and physically or even involving childhood memory)
13. Is your bathroom shining clean and does it smell nice?
14. Does your house smell nice?
15. Have you re-decorated or re-arranged in the last 3 years? (You need not do it, but if you think you need to go to work or take on extra work earning money at home, why not put the time into re-beautifying your house?)
16. Are your beds made? Are your sheets and bedding fresh?
17. Do you hang your clothes on the line? (You needn’t, but it takes more time, and is good for your health and it actually increases the life of your sheets and clothes, as opposed to the dryer)
18. Do you grow a garden, or even a tomato in a pot?
19. Are your drawers and storage areas organized?
20. Are your photos organized?
21. Are your computer files organized?
22. Is your correspondence caught up?
23. Do you make any of your own clothes?
24. Does your husband/father ever have to ask for an ironed shirt?
25. Are your books organized?
26. Do you go through your things regularly for garage sales?
27. Are your windows clean?
28. Do you cook regular meals from basic ingredients?
29. Have you had anyone over for tea in the last month?
30. Do you read at least one good book or learn something new within the year?

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