This weekend my brother, Greg and I got to attend our first ever English Country Dance. My older brother lives in Springfield and he and some friends invited us to come here are some pictures of the fun time!

Summer and Greg during the Virginia Reel...the costumes are very cool!

Melody! She's such a sweet little girl, and SOOO cute!
Next comes pictures of the Posties Jig. The group Robert was in is pretty good and they like doing it fast...the guys also like jumping and they got some real air in some of these pictures!

Erik, Amanda, Laura, Robert, Summer

Christian, Robert, Erik

Laura, Robert, Christian, Summer

Christian, Erik, Laura, Summer, Robert (see Christian's jump? Of course I think Erik helped him out a bit ;o)

Greg's wearing his Colonel Brandon costume from the
Sense and Sensibility play. He did get sweaty enough dancing that he finally just took off his jacket and waistcoat!

David, Laura, Christian

hmm...this one looks kinda funny! David, Erik, Amanda, Laura, Robert

Robert, Christian, David, Erik (a friend said it looks like Erik's just standing around up there, and my mom said it looks like he's levitating!)

Greg during the Posties Jig (he was in a different group than Robert)

Laura and I- she's such a sweet friend!

Summer and Laura-they are sisters...and good friends to me! (Christian is their brother)

Heidi and I (another sweet friend, and Erik's sister...yep, we tend to make friends in families with multiple children...I wonder

and so far this is the only picture I've found among what other friends have taken that I'm actually in! (I know, bad grammar, but I didn't feel like fixing it) I'm the one in the blue dress on the far right...during The Next Dance.
Looks like fun! :o)