My brothers decided to build a snowman about a week ago when we first got snow. Since it's been so cold he has had a very long life and his end is not yet in sight! So here are some pictures!
I'm impressed! :o) We never built snowmen with hats (much less ears!!)... hehe Of course, we couldn't now (even if we wanted to), but we did get *some* snow down here! 8oD Now I'm just waiting for the warmer weather to return and the ice to melt...
MissJ (Who's considering a move to the equator ;o)
I'm glad you stopped by! Part of the fun for me in blogging is hearing from those who come to visit. If you want to comment or have additional thoughts I'd love to hear them. This is my rambling spot, so everything might not be clearly stated. Please keep it positive and Christ-honoring, but thought-provoking discussions are welcome! Quite honestly I'd be delighted if everybody who stopped by left a note.
I'm impressed! :o) We never built snowmen with hats (much less ears!!)... hehe Of course, we couldn't now (even if we wanted to), but we did get *some* snow down here! 8oD Now I'm just waiting for the warmer weather to return and the ice to melt...
(Who's considering a move to the equator ;o)