Friday, February 26, 2010

My Swiss/German/Celtic/whatever you think it looks like....costume!

Here are some pictures of the costume I made...well minus the vest...which a friend loaned to me....and I very seriously am considering whether I can beg her to make me one as well :P
Anyway I'll use it for the musical freestyle I'm doing on Woodrow next month...and otherwise just have it around...'til I have to send the vest home :'(
We went out yesterday to shoot some pics, only we didn't get many before the camera died, but here's what we got:

Love the light on this one...

I love my boots...

Probably my very favorite...


  1. Oh, I love it! I didn't recognize Abbie's vest when I first looked at the pictures (I glanced over them before actually reading it).

  2. Beautiful dress! I love the pattern!

    ~Sarah C.

  3. Beautiful!


  4. Lovely photos, Heather! The colors in the last one are just beautiful.


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